Monday, December 19, 2011


YonG HwA, joNg hYuN, miNhYuk & JungShiN.....

u guYs ARE juST aweSOME....

kEEp It uP..

CAnT wAIt FOr the NeW SonG

"wHerE yOu Are"

COMiNG thIs FebuArY....

~CN BLUE boice~

Salam...happy december guys...huhuhu..pejam celik2, its almost end of the year 2011...bnyk kenangan pahit n manis yang boleh dikenang sepanjang tahun ni kn??for sure la..ape pon yg terjadi, yg baik tu jadikan teladan dan yang buruk tu jadikan sempadan..xder manusia yg sempurna but still, we need to improve ourselves and ought to be a good person for the sake of ALLAH..

end of the lecture..hehehe...anywy...i just wanna mentioned about my new hobby...xder la penting sgt pon..hehehe..lately, para remaja mahupun dewasa mcm kta ni kn....hehehehe..loves KPOp....jgn nk tpu ckp uolss xminat ok...hehehehe...adik2 sy kat umah tu dh HISTERIA..they know KPOP better than it something good???actually not kot...heheh...kesannya adalah..they become so crazy about handsome boys n loevly pretty girls...hahahaha..parents xder la kisah sgt spl bnda2 long as u do better in study n xabaikan agama,so its acceptable...lantaran itu, sy TURUT menjadi mangsa KPOP yg seterusnya...TENKIU...HUHUHUHU...

Segalanya bermula dgn menonton salah satu VARIETY SHOW bersama dgn kwn2 di kolej..i dont really love KPOP at first..the lepas tgk IDOL ARMY 2PM, i started to fall in love with KPOP stars..the 1st idol i love the most is NICHKHUN, 2PM..OMG...minat cz RUPA dia yg sgt comel...then mula la GOOLGLE pics, video related n so on...(biasala kalau dh minat kn..huhuhu)...perkara ni berlarutan sampai la sy dh hilang mood pd means, sy dh mula BERALIH pd BIG BANG CHODING...HUH...hehehehehhe..then, sy minat SEMUA kpop IDOL..



CN BLUE......

the REASONS why i fall in love with CN BLUE is...

I can feel that they are very sincere in their performances..

nothing much to say..i just love them as the way they are...all the hard work n sacrifices help them to be a better MUSICIAN...all the members work hard and yet they produce their own songs...u guys did WELL...thats why i become one of your FANS..hehehehe=p